Tag Reference

Speech and Thought Presentation

Tag Description
NS narrator in storytelling mode
NA narrator addresses the audience
NF narrative material external to the story itself, occurring at beginning or end
RD a report of discourse: eg. il dit, elle crie
ID indirect discourse
FID free indirect discourse
DD direct discourse
fDD free direct discourse in form (ie. no speech verb), direct discourse in function
FDD free direct discourse
NS-FID could be NS or FID
NS-DD could be NS or DD
NS-fDD could be NS or fDD
DD-FID could be DD or FID
ID-FID could be ID or FID
NS-FID-fDD could be NS or FID or fDD, eg. que faire?
emb embedded form of reported discourse in an embedded narrative


Tag Description
det detached structure
llex left detached lexical item
lpn left detached personal or demonstrative pronoun
lnm left detached name
ladj left detached adjective
ladv left detached adverbial
ldmp left detached element with "double marquage", ie.cases where an element is detached with a preposition and where the function of the preposition is also marked within the clause, usually by a pronoun, eg. aux enfants je leur donne
lpp left detached preposition plus noun, with no replacement pronoun
loth left detached other element not falling into the above categories, eg. ça, tous les deux, tout cela
rlex right detached lexical noun
rpn right detached personal or demonstrative pronoun
rnm right detached name
radj right detached adjective
radv right detached adverbial
rdmp right detached element with “double marquage”, ie.cases where an element is detached with a preposition and where the the function of the preposition is also marked within the clause: eg. je leur donne aux enfants
roth right detached other element not falling into the above categories, eg. ça, tous les deux, tout cela
p1ss pronoun: 1st person singular subject
p1so pronoun: 1st person singular direct object
p1sio pronoun: 1st person singular indirect object
p2ss pronoun: 2nd person singular subject
p2sdo pronoun: 2nd person singular direct object
p2sio pronoun: 2nd person singular indirect object
p3ss pronoun: 3rd person singular subject
p3sdo pronoun: 3rd person singular direct object
p3sio pronoun: 3rd person singular indirect object
p1ps pronoun: 1st person plural subject
p1pdo pronoun: 1st person plural direct object
p1pio pronoun: 1st person plural indirect object
p2ps pronoun: 2nd person plural subject
p2pdo pronoun: 2nd person plural direct object
p2pio pronoun: 2nd person plural indirect object
p3ps pronoun: 3rd person plural subject
p3pdo pronoun: 3rd person plural direct object
p3pio pronoun: 3rd person plural indirect object
py pronoun: y
pen pronoun: en
pce pronoun: ce
pca pronoun: ça
pimpers pronoun: impersonal ‘il’
pno no replacing pronoun, eg. ‘le folklore j’aime bien’
pnnocor the replacing pronoun is not totally straightforwardly co-referential with the detached element, eg. ‘les oignons ça fait pleurer’
efcor there is a semantic or pragmatic link between the detached element and the main clause but there is no straightforward replacement pronoun within the main clause. This is sometimes described as an “effet de co-référence” between the detached and main clauses eg. ‘ces deux hommes-là on connaît leurs noms’
doub double detachment: there are two sets of detached elements and replacements
trip triple detachment: there are three sets of detached elements and replacements
app there are detached elements in apposition which have the same referent and the same replacement element: eg. ‘lui Massoud il comprenait’
insd material is inserted between the detached structure and main clause
rep the detached element is repeated
inter the structure is interrogative
uncl something about the analysis, other than elements already marked up, is unclear


Tag Description
inv subject verb inversion
incip inversion involves verb of speech or thought with a pronoun
incin inversion involves verb of speech or thought with lexical noun or name
pors verb is ‘paraître’ or ‘sembler’ with pronoun
aj inversion follows an adjective
vb inversion follows a verb
pvb inversion follows prepositional phrase which is directly related to the verb, eg. ‘de cette union naissent deux enfants’
adv inversion follows an adverbial element (adverb or adverbial phrase)
querel inversion follows ‘que’ in a relative
quecl inversion follows ‘que’ in a cleft
ourel inversion follows ‘où’ in a relative
othrel inversion follows a relative other than ‘que’ or ‘où’
cm inversion follows ‘comme’
hs inversion occurs in the context where the subject of the verb is ‘heavy’ in the sense of consisting of several components
cor inversion in a correlative, eg. ‘plus…plus…’
beg structure occurs at or near the beginning of a narrative or of an embedded narrative
end structure occurs at or near the end of a narrative or of an embedded narrative


Tag Description
neg negative structure
nl negative element or structure removed from analysis
ne ne retained as ne
n ne retained as elided form: n’
zne zero ne: ne not retained
zn zero n’: n’ not retained
na status of ne is ambiguous: it is not possible to tell with certainty whether ne is attested or not
cp1s clitic pronoun: 1st person singular
cp2s clitic pronoun: 2nd person singular
cp3si cliticpronoun: 3rd personsingular il
cp3se clitic pronoun: 3rd person singular elle
cp3so clitic pronoun: 3rd person singular on
cp1p clitic pronoun: 1st person plural
cp2p clitic pronoun: 2nd person plural
cp3pi clitic pronoun: 3rd person plural ils
cp3pe clitic pronoun: 3rd person plural elles
cpimpers clitic pronoun is impersonal
cpce clitic pronoun is ‘ce’
dpn disjunctive pronoun: eg. lui voulait pas
oncp other non-clitic pronoun: eg. ça, ceci, cela, quelqu’un
fnp full noun phrase: ie. lexical noun phrase or name
relnp verbis part of a relative clause with a noun phrase subject: eg. la fille qui ne mange pas
reldem ce qui, celle qui, ceux qui, etc. as subject
reloth subject is in a relative clause but is not a noun phrase or demonstrative: quelqu’un qui, lui qui
nsso no surface subject because it is absent: y a pas
nssinf no surface subject because the structure is an infinitive, eg. ne pas manger
nssimp no surface subject because the structure is an imperative, eg. ne mange pas
nsspart no surface subject because the structure is participial, eg. ne pensant pas
nsscord no surface subject because the subject is not repeated in coordinated verb phrases
nssoth no surface subject for any other reason, eg. the negative ‘personne’ precedes the verb as in ‘personne ne veut’
pas pas
rien rien
personne personne
que que
plus plus
jamais jamais
nul nul
nullepart nulle part
nonplus non plus
aucun aucun
ni ni
guère guère
point point
pourpasque pour pas que
double there are two negative particles
iv the preverbal context is intervocalic, eg. tu as pas
pre the negative particle precedes the verb, eg. personne ne veut
intinv negative is in an interrogative involving inversion
frel negative is in a clause following a relative pronoun: un vêtement qu’on ne peut pas toucher
subco negative structure follows a subordinating or coordinating conjunction other than a relative, eg.que introducing direct speech, a temporal clause (such as quand), si, puisque, parce que, tellement que
nsc non subject clitic is present between the subject and the verb, eg. je ne le sais pas
insm other material is inserted between the subject and the verb
mod verb is one of two potentially significant modals, ie. pouvoir or devoir
hyp negative appears in a hypothetical clause normally beginning with ‘si’
fue the negative is used in a ‘frequently used expression’: eg. je ne sais pas, je crois pas, il faut pas